I found this tag on AJ Sterkel’s blog, and decided to do it because it sounded interesting!
1. Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

I’d love to finish Rebecca and Anna Karenina, but otherwise I haven’t really gotten stuck in the middle of any books. I need fewer than 10 books to finish my reading challenge, so I’m very much unconcerned about that. I’ve accepted that I’m likely not going to finish my goal of reading all of Jane Austen’s books by the end of the year, but I’m still going to try and finish Emma and Mansfield Park.
2. Do you have an autumnal book to transition to the end of the year?

Not really, and it’s nearing winter now anyway. I do have three witch books on hold from Libby that I was hoping to get in time for Halloween and didn’t, but am still going to happily read whenever they do come in, so I suppose those count.
3. Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

Our Violent Ends, definitely. I have it on preorder, so it’s going to be waiting for me to pick up at school when I get back from Thanksgiving break, and it’s going to be great.
4. Three books you want to read before the end of the year

Gilded, Once Upon a Broken Heart, and Rule of Wolves.
5. Is there a book that could shock you and become your favorite of the year?

Any of the above three could, though that wouldn’t be shocking (and honestly would be very unlikely considering how many books that I loved that they’d be competing with). One that I wouldn’t necessarily expect to become a favorite but that I could maybe see becoming one would be Cloud Cuckoo Land.
6. Have you started making reading plans for next year?

I want to finish a bunch of completed series that I’ve read at least one book for but have yet to finish (Throne of Glass, the Winternight trilogy, the An Absolutely Remarkable Thing duology, the Gilded Wolves trilogy, the Darkest Minds trilogy, the Simon Snow trilogy, the Ash Princess trilogy, the Spin the Dawn duology… the list goes on). Otherwise, I’d like to finish my Jane Austen goal, and I’d like to blog more regularly and write reviews of books I read more often, even/especially those that I don’t have many thoughts on.
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