Today’s my second anniversary of starting my blog! This isn’t going to be a very long or interesting post, but I wanted to say something to mark the occasion.

I’ve really loved doing this for the past two years. I’d always loved reading, so having a place where I could share that was really wonderful, even if it sometimes feels like nobody’s listening.

I’m so glad that I decided to take the plunge and start this blog; I had been considering doing so for years after being a longtime fan of PaperFury, whose wonderful site introduced me to the world of book blogging, but it was only in the summer of 2020 that I actually felt like I could do it (and even that was after teetering back and forth for three months after having already bought the domain name).

I’ve admittedly had some hard times blogging, and I’m still trying to figure out what works best for me. Reviewing eARCs on NetGalley has been great because it forces me to post relatively regularly, and then any other types of posts can be sprinkled in the middle. I have a lot of free time this summer before starting college in the fall, so I hope to use that time to figure it out.

One thing that I really want to try and do in the third year of my blog is try and figure out how to get more engaged with the book blogging community. I feel very engaged with the Bookstagram community, but very isolated in the blog area (with the exception of Top Ten Tuesday, which always feel like it provides a very shallow level of interaction with other bloggers). I don’t know that this blog will ever be able to surpass Instagram as my main way of interacting with the bookish community, but I still value it so much for the ability to create longer and more word-based posts.

Thank you so much if you’re reading this. Consider following me below to get email notifications when I post, or dropping a comment below to say hello; I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you again; I can’t express my appreciation enough for the happiness that the bookish community is brought me.

Here’s to another year!