Today’s Top Ten Tuesday was Top Ten Books that Make Me Hungry. While compiling this list, I realized that there are far too few books that feature food prominently. I should not have to reach for a book whose only real mention of food is a picture of toast on the cover for books that make me hungry. Anyway, on to the list!

Always and Forever, Lara Jean

All those descriptions of the cookies in this book were extraordinary and made me so very hungry.

Hungry Hearts

It’s a short story anthology about magical food. I don’t think I need to elaborate as to why it makes me hungry.

Harry Potter

All the feasts are great food descriptions.

Heretics Anonymous

This is literally just because of the toast on the cover. I can’t look at it without wanting toast.

Percy Jackson

Blue. Food.

Also, the descriptions of nectar and ambrosia sound so delicious.

When Dimple Met Rishi

This one is less hungry than thirsty, and in the same vein as Heretics Anonymous, it’s because of the iced coffee on the cover. It looks refreshing and delicious.

Anna and the French Kiss

Ahh, French food.


This is a strange one, because most of the food in this appeals to me approximately not at all. Nevertheless, other people talking about how good food is makes me hungry. It’s contagious.

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender

All of the descriptions of the bakery are exquisite like the rest of the prose in this book, and they make me want to eat bread and pastries.


This is another book with a bakery as a prominent setting, and its descriptions and images are also hunger-inducing, as talk of bread is wont to do.