Today’s Top Ten Tuesday was Top Ten Book Covers with Fall Colors/Vibes. This was surprisingly difficult for me, but I’m satisfied with the list I came up with, even if some of them aren’t necessarily conventionally autumnal.

Ice like Fire

Yes, I know this is a series where the main characters are basically embodiments of winter, but this cover definitely gives me autumnal vibes. It’s something about the warm grays with orange peaking through that reminds me of smoke and fire and carious other images I associate with the season.

The Elite

America’s dress on this cover gives me definite autumn leaves energy. I don’t really know how to explain it. It also works because autumn is a time of change, and this is a book where America goes through a lot of character development, so I kind of associate this book and the season as similar anyway.

A Map of Days

All of the covers in this series remind me of fall because of their sepia tones, but this one especially. It’s something about the child on the swing, but I can’t quite place what specifically about the cover reminds me of fall.

The Hazel Wood

The sepia tones on the black background and all of the tree and leaf imagery combine to give me definite autumnal vibes.

Crooked Kingdom

There’s definitely a theme forming in this list with covers with sepia and black tones. In this case, it’s also helped by the crow on the cover, which is a bird that I inextricably link with fall.

The Scorpio Races

My association of this cover with autumn definitely rests heavily on the fact that I associate the book with autumn. However, the swirls of warm reds and browns also contribute, since those are definite autumnal colors.

Three Dark Crowns

Wow, are those more covers that feature sepia tones on black? Those definitely haven’t been featured before on this list.

Sarcasm aside, even though I don’t think the books take place during autumn at all (I may be wrong), the covers give me definite fall energy. This color combination just does that for me, though I don’t really know why.

Far From the Tree

This cover literally features orange leaves all over it, so i don’t know what else it could possible evoke. I can’t think of any imagery more clearly associated with autumn.

Chain of Gold

Cordelia’s hair on this cover is so gorgeous, and the orange-red leaves in it are just so beautiful and autumnal. This blew all of the other Shadowhunter Chronicles covers out of the water.

Ash Princess

The warm grays and oranges from Ice Like Fire have made a return on this list. Like that cover, those colors and the flame/smoke imagery evokes autumnal vibes for me.

I think all of these covers can be categorized into either having black and sepia tones or featuring warm reds and oranges. I suppose those are just the two main combinations that strike me as autumnal? What do you associate with autumn?