Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt was Top Ten Books With Colors in the Title, which I found surprisingly difficult, to the extent that The Scarlet Letter, which I didn’t enjoy at all, nearly made it on the list. Fortunately, that didn’t have to happen.

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender

I love this book so much but never talk about it. It’s so whimsical and magical, and simultaneously dark and hopeful. The prose is gorgeous, and it is always a pleasure to reread it.

Words in Deep Blue

I really liked this book despite the plot being a little weak. I had just come off of reading Wild Blue Wonder and The Last True Poets of the Sea, and I thought it did the dead brother/childhood friend with drowning as important symbolism worse than the other two. This wasn’t through any fault of its own, its just they both did it so very well. However, that was more than made up for by the fact that it is mostly set in a bookstore, which I loved immensely.

Wild Blue Wonder

I really liked this book! The timeline was really interesting and I loved finding out what had happened that summer.

Blue Lily, Lily Blue

I don’t remember this book that well, but I really love The Raven Cycle as a whole. I just can’t remember what happened in which book.

Anne of Green Gables

This is one of my favorite books and I will probably never stop talking about it.

Greenglass House

This will always feel like a Christmas book for me, both because that’s when it takes place and because that is when I have the tradition of rereading it, so it feels a little odd for me to be talking about it in July. I adore everything about this book, and it is one of those stories that is so clever and timeless that you can reread it over and over. I recommend it to everybody.

The Red Scrolls of Magic

I have been partially through this book for week through no fault of its own. I just keep getting distracted by other books. Nevertheless, any book where Magnus Bane plays a role is automatically well rated by me.

The Astonishing Color of After

Technically this does have “color” in the title? I always forget about this book, but I really enjoyed it.

The Red Pyramid

This isn’t one of my favorite Rick Riordan books, but I still love it. Sadie Kane is wonderful and iconic, even if I think Carter is quite boring for a Rick Riordan character.


Scarlet is actually my least favorite of the Lunar Chronicles protagonists (controversial opinion, I know). It isn’t that I dislike her, since I actually think she’s a great character, but it’s more that I love Cress, Cinder, and Winter more. I still love Scarlet, especially since Little Red Riding Hood is my second favorite fairy tale and I think it deserves more retellings.