Today’s Top Ten Tuesday was a Cover Freebie, so I’m doing Top Ten Books with only typographical covers. I had to allow a few abstract images, but I stuck to just covers where the words are the most important, if not the only, element.

Turtles All the Way Down

This cover is so simple but so well done. The spiral is simple enough that I count this as just being typography, but it does reflect Ava’s OCD spirals so it’s still really intentional. I normally hate that type of handwriting, but I really like it here.

Wild Blue Wonder

So I know there are technically flowers on this, but they’re abstract enough that they’re just acting as borders for the text. Thus, I’m counting it for this list. I love this color; it’s so pretty.

A Very Large Expanse of Sea

This is the book that made me choose this theme for this post, because it’s gorgeous and there isn’t even a hint of imagery on it. It’s just beautifully done.

Folger Shakespeare Library Covers

These are so simple, but they make me so happy. My favorite one is the Romeo and Juliet one; I always enjoyed looking at it in my backpack in 9th grade when I brought it everywhere.


This is another really pretty cover; the braids here are simple enough that I’m not counting them as imagery, but they provide nice divisions between the blocks of text. The typography is lovely and it’s overall just a nicely done cover.l

Girls Made of Snow and Glass

Yes, there are icicles, but I like this cover so much that I’m including it.


So I know the background is supposed to be the event at the end of the book, but it’s abstract enough that i really don’t consider that an image. I love the book covers of this entire series; the hardcovers are so beautiful. They’re honestly some of my favorite book covers of all time.

The Sun is Also a Star

Can we talk about this beautiful cover? It’s just gorgeous. The string provides such a nice color backdrop for the text.

Everything Everything

I’m going by the same guideline I created for Wild Blue Wonder for this cover, where I’m saying the background imagery is abstract enough so as not to count as an image. It’s not my favorite of the covers on this list, but it’s still pretty.

Last of Her Name

I still haven’t read this, though I want to. This cover is absolutely gorgeous and a great one to end on!.